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홈으로 이동 고객서비스 > 온라인상담

few questions

hi there,
if i have a revisional double eyelid surgery through a non-inicisional method after a previous partial incisional method, would you be able to remove the previous sutures as well? how will it affect the results?

secondly, how do you dictate what size and type of fold your patients get? how do u simulate it to get a must accurate result to the real thing? ie with a tweezer or with a pen etc?

thank you 

Hi The stitches remaining in your eyelid usually stay along the line. That's why it forms double eyelid line by making artificial adhesion between your skin and stitches. Every surgeon has different method of making sutures, regarding location and numbers. So it means I cannot guarantee that I will be able to remove them all by non-incisional revision. It you want your line to be lowered, then the stitches should be removed by incisional surgery. For the second question, I always check amount of protrusion of eyeball, severity of Mongolian fold, ability of opening and etc. But mostly I listen to patient's demands and try to fulfill their needs based on my experience and measurement during consultation. Yes I use an instrument to demonstrate the best lines. Thank you.


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