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홈으로 이동 고객서비스 > 온라인상담

Forehead, Temple augmentation

Hi Dr. Kim,
I've heard you specialize at fat graft in this clinic. I am planning to do the temple and forehead augmentation in addition to the eyelid surgery. However, I don't see temple augmentation included in the list, do you do that area as well? What is the fat absorbtion rate? What is the chance of the touch-up is needed? Which method would you use to do the fat graft? How long would you recommend me to stay in Korea for this type of surgery?
Thank you.

Hi I'm Dr Kim of Teuim. I do perform temroral(temple) augmentation with fat graft. It is very common procedure. Fat injected over temporal area provides volumetric fulfillment like other areas as well. Fat absorption rate is just a bit higher that that of forehead, but if the patient is young, then it will be less than that of old people. Slight amount of re-touch is usually needed in a few month in some patients, but I cannot guarantee because there is no such a rule. Also, patients should understand that the hollowness of temple is sometimes due to protrusion of zygoma relatively. In this case zygoma reduction is helpful. Only for fat graft, 3-4 days of staying will be enough, but if affordable, I recommend you to visit again in 6 month time for minor re-touch. Anyway, thank you for informing that we haven't listed temple augmentation on our web. Thank you.


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