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홈으로 이동 고객서비스 > 온라인상담

eye fat graft

i'm interested in eye fat grafting but im not certain about when i can travel to korea. 

 How long it takes the process? How long i should take rest after the procedure?

I have done my research about eye fat grafting and some says incision is better than injection, other say that injection is fine.  it is also said that fat grating is depend on the technique and experience of the doctor to get best result.

Anyway, im truly interested but just need sufficient time for this.  Il get in touch once i made my decision. thank u


안녕하세요 트임성형외과입니다.



This procedure is a simple and one step procedure which has no stitches at all.

If your procedure is combined with incisional double eyelid surgery, then fat will be injected through incised sites.

But, getting fat graft only, then no incision will be made or needed. ( I've never heard or read any published articles about incisional fat grafts)

It is less than 20 min procedure and the patient can return to their normal life immedieately after the procedure.

one time follow-up will be needed just 2-3 days after the procedure.


Thank you.





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